The Saratoga Monument

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Victory Mills, NY

Client: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service

Project Type: Comprehensive Restoration; Study report for stabilization and restoration; HABS Measured Drawings, Conservation Plan

The Saratoga Monument, a 155-foot-tall granite obelisk rising from a stone plinth, was erected between 1877 and 1887 to commemorate the Revolutionary War Battles of Saratoga. Over the years, major cracks had recurrently appeared in the building’s masonry construction; there was extensive water infiltration and interior structural elements had deteriorated, threatening the safety of visitors and the survival of the structure. As a result, the monument was temporarily closed to the public.

JGWA prepared a report documenting the monument and its existing conditions; this report included HABS measured drawings, a complete structural analysis, and a thorough assessment of the building materials. The firm then prepared a comprehensive plan for the restoration of the monument and site. The subsequent restoration included the restoration of the interior and exterior masonry, restoration and replication of the original cast- and wrought-iron stairway, replacement of the electrical system, conservation of the bronze plaques and statuary, restoration of windows and doors, and the installation of a new handicapped accessible lift.